Monday, April 16, 2012

Rainy Days

Here in Seattle we have been having some very nice weather, though, I only got to experience one day of it because I was in Spokane from Thursday until Saturday evening. After all this wonderful weather Seattle always gets a dousing of rain, a fact that I actually enjoy. Well, I enjoy it until around this time in the year when I get my type of half-assed allergies. What is this you ask? I will explain. I could not name the things that actually give me allergies, there are no animals that make me break out in hives or foods that make my throat swell up. However, in spring time I tend to get semi-rampant bouts of itchy eyes and runny noses. Maybe I am allergic to spring, a fact that I would be ok with except that these bouts hit me when I have just settled into a comfy spot to study and cannot leave my things alone. Those are the times when my nose is dripping like Niagara falls and there is no one trusty worthy around to watch my things that I hate these "allergies". They make me look like a swamp monster to the surrounding people and act erratically since after sitting down for about 10 minutes I have to hurriedly pack my things to run to the washroom, only to return 2 minutes later and unpack my things. While some might argue that I should just leave my stuff, I refuse to leave my things unattended because 1) I make fun of people who do that 2) There is like a 1000% chance it will get stolen. Like many other things that annoy me, it is not the things themselves but the WHEN that they occur that irritate me the most.