Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I guess I have been doing this "blogging" thing for a while, when I actually think about it. Way back in 2003 or 2004 I got a livejournal and my friends and I would all post crazy stuff about ourselves. Slowly, of course, that fell out of favor and things like MySpace and Facebook began to rise and you could share more than your thoughts on the internet. However, it was those small beginnings where I got introduced to basic programming skills like bold italics and possibly Marquee just to look super funny. Those little things have made it easier for me to keep the formatting for things like forum posts for class (GoPosts) simple and consistent and to help out others who didn't have those introductions, like a friend of mine. While I really do not know much about the intricacies of HTML I know enough about "coding" in general to help out some people. The untrained eye did not notice the changing of the HTML code when it went to visual view and back again but I did! So we were able to fix some stuff like that. Anyways it made me feel good to know that my young teenage whining brought a bit of a skill forward.