Friday, May 4, 2012

Marvel's The Avengers

Rocked! I would say that it was: better than Iron Man II, mostly because of the villain, better than Thor, no stupid giant robot only fight scene, better than Captain America, good but once again silly villain problems, and better than The Incredible Hulk, I watched it because my friends wanted to go and because Tony Stark was there at the end. However, the question I now face is: Was it better than Iron Man? According to IMDB, it is lower ranked than Iron Man II, probably due to villain problems, but the important thing for me, generally, is the laughter quality. The main reason that I enjoy Marvel films is the humor. Quips such as: Thor, "Where do you think we are?" Tony,"Shakespeare in the Park? Dost Mother know thou wearest her drapes?" have me rolling on the floor. The Avengers also fixed the villain problems, to an extent, because they chose Loki as the villain and they were able to balance advance all of the Avengers' personalities, grow the Avengers team plot as a whole, and keep it funny. There were still things I would have liked to see more of: Scarlett Johansson moving her face a bit more when changing emotions, or maybe that's her spy character, personally, I couldn't tell, and a little bit more of that fish out of water humor with Thor. Do those detriments weigh more than the giant terrible lack of a villain in Iron Man? Probably not, but, I think I still enjoyed Iron Man more. Why? Probably the laughs or my mild obsession with RDJ. This also probably relates to the fact that I was basically a Marvel Virgin when I saw Iron Man, I expected nothing and got a whole helluva lot in return. My interest in Iron Man launched my interest in the American comic book genre and now as a mildly more informed audience member I see the movies differently. So as much as The Avengers fixed the problems of the previous films and kept the good qualities, I don't think I can, in good conscience, say that I enjoyed it more than Iron Man.