Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Join In

So there are zillions of types of social networking available on the internet. This week I joined two new ones, one in order to join the other. While I like the ideas behind both of them, sharing your thoughts or ideas or art, part of me is like "Who cares?". I guess it allows my friends, if they were to feel like it, to look at what I'd been Pinning lately and maybe buy me related gifts or to show them what I like in general, giving us more talking points. However, I am not an artist or celebrity so I hesitate to use some of these things. It would be nice if anyone cared to actually look at what I liked or how I felt but I am rather sure that if I don't tell them in person they probably aren't that high on the caring about it list. Not in a sad lonely way, but in the sense that we perceive our lives through our eyes and our perceptions come first.