a mixed-race archaeologist's (and anthropology graduate student's) thoughts on pop culture fueled by loose leaf
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
After some Criticism
Friday, May 18, 2012
To my Drama Teacher
I wanted to thank you once again for four years of excellent teaching. There were many important concepts that I learned through drama that have helped me in my studies. Particularly, the concept of play. Your encouragement to have a playful mind helped me narrow down the field of archaeology that I hope to pursue, which is the study of childhood. Drama also helped me realize that many of my academic interests came down to an interest in studying people and archaeology is how I choose to pursue that. Anyways, I hope to see many more quality drama productions and once again thank you for being such a strong influence.
To More Specific People
I wanted to thank you for being a great math teacher. I loved how much passion you had for math and how much you cared about learning. Although archaeology may seem unrelated, the logical thinking and understanding of basic mathematical principles have become invaluable, even in my undergraduate study. Many people who go into Anthropology are afraid of, or bad at math, and so having the strong background in math that I did, because of you, has helped enormously. I am grateful that I had such great teachers and hope that you inspire many more students.
To General Teachers
As the announcement says I will will be graduating with my BA, majors in History and Anthropology. If you would like to attend, I will be participating in three different commencement ceremonies the one listed on the card at CenturyLink Field, a History departmental one on June 8th at 3pm in Kane Hall room 130, and an Anthropology departmental one at 7pm on June 9th in Kane Hall room 130. All three have limited space but if you would like to attend please e-mail me at pprzystupa@gmail.com as soon as possible. As for what happens after graduation, I will be in living in Washington until the end of July. After that I will be moving to New Mexico to pursue a PhD in Anthropology focusing on Archaeology. I will be attending the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. I wanted to thank you for being a great high school teacher and encouraging me to continue my education. I hope that you continue your good work and inspire many more students.
To General Family Members
As the announcement says I will will be graduating with my BA, majors in History and Anthropology. If you would like to attend, I will be participating in three different commencement ceremonies the one listed on the card at CenturyLink Field, a History departmental one on June 8th at 3pm in Kane Hall room 130, and an Anthropology departmental one at 7pm on June 9th in Kane Hall room 130. All three have limited space but if you would like to attend please e-mail me at [REDACTED] as soon as possible. As for what happens after graduation, I will be in living in Washington until the end of July. After that I will be moving to New Mexico to pursue a PhD in Anthropology focusing on Archaeology. I will be attending the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. Thank you for being part of my life and for the continued support.
Open letters
EDIT this also is because I forgot to write earlier this week
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Week's End?
Monday, May 14, 2012
n00b post
Friday, May 11, 2012
Perhaps too philosophical and gramatically incorrect but whatevs.