Sunday, August 20, 2017

There's more, I promise

Hey! So this still exists and I'm working on a lot of blogs right now that will hopefully make for some entertaining reading over the next few weeks/months. Summer got the best of me so I didn't get to develop some of the ideas I had at the start of summer into real blogs.

A quick preview of what's to come though:

  • Something on whitewashing and stereotypes in movies/TV (I'll let you guess who'll be the subject of that :D)
  • Me discussing Marvel's 1,000,000 BC line which explodes my brain
  • A set of posts on community engagement and conventions
  • An examination of Feminism in Fandoms
  • Some comics recommendations

Also, not 100% in that order as some of those topics require a bit more work than others to fully articulate into meaningful things that I want people, or bots or whatever stumbles upon this, to read.

In other news, I will be moderating two panels in the coming months! One at Rose City Comic Con in Portland and another at GeekGirlCon in Seattle. They are part of the community engagement at conventions I am/was/will be talking about because what's all this PhD learning for if it just stays in the Ivory Tower? I'm a Scientist not Rapunzel!

The panel at Rose City Comic Con is entitled "Adaptation versus Appropriation: How to borrow respectfully from other cultures in fiction" and will be on Sunday, September 10th at 1:30pm, in Room 8. I got some awesome people to participate including Tristan J. Tarwater, Yoshi Yoshitani, Jemma Salume, Marissa Louise, and possibly one more person who is not sure if they are coming yet. It's a simialr topic to the panel I ran at GeekGirlCon last year but with a new crop of people and at a larger convention. Join us if you're in the Portland area.

Panel 2 is at GeekGirlCon and is entitled "Scion or shafted: Being mixed-race in science fiction and fantasy cultures". This one is also on Sunday but this time October 1st from 3:00-4:00pm. I also found some great speakers for this one including Kiku Hughes, Tristan J. Tarwater, Symantha Reagor, and Sarah Gulde. If you are in Seattle around that time please come to GeekGirlCon and hear us talk about this awesome stuff.

I'm hoping to be a panelist at Emerald City Comic Con in the next year as well with Miles Greb and a few others. We're hoping for it to be a sort of Science Fiction/Science Fact thing with creators and associated scientists both being part of the discussion. That's still in progress and I hope it goes through.

Anyways, thanks for reading, and I hope next time I've got something a bit more meaty for you to think about.