Sunday, June 12, 2016

Blog update: No specific topic

My apologies for not having a blog post since April, a lot of things have been happening. Planned things, but things that took up my time and focus that were not this.

Moving: Back in the PNW for the next few months. Hoping to have a cooler summer.

Geek Girl Con Panel: I got accepted. Which is crazy, awesome, I am so scared and excited. It is such an important topic to talk about (Adaptation, Appropriation, and Influence) and has such power to impact the understanding of our world and art. Now I'm waiting to hear back about who may also be on the panel. I can talk about it of course, as a consumer and an academic, but I really want to have creators talk about their processes. I also want this to be a meaningful and positive discussion, not just a rag fest on how people don't do it well. Worst case scenario: I am there and talk about what I know and understand. Best case: I lead an awesome only semi-awkward discussion of the topic. Either way this will be great and scary.

Draft proposal: Submitted and waiting to hear

Wisdom teeth: My teeth are no longer wise but are healing well. Very strange experience.

Getting back to work: There are so many things I need to do that are all, like the Geek Girl Con panel, awesome and scary. Lots of writing, some solo work and some collaborative, some for publication and some for my proposal. They all require reading, so I have some trips to the library planned. Regardless, I hope to have a couple more blogs in the next few weeks. One discussing my response to Captain America: Civil War and another in my "series" of IAA. I hope to work furiously on these soon.

Thanks for reading and I hope to have more for you to read soon